Está catalogada como Monumento Histórico Artístico Nacional desde el 21 de febrero de 1947.

De origen gótico valenciano, fue reedificada en los siglos XIV y XVI a causa de los incendios. Será en el siglo XVII y comienzos del siglo XVIII cuando finalmente adquirirá su aspecto definitivo.
Arte sacra de uma grande beleza.
ResponderEliminarUm abraço e bom fim-de-semana.
Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
O prazer dos livros
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarQue belleza de parroquia , las fotos son estupendas
EliminarY que decir de los ventanales con esas vidrieras de colores
esta clase de arte sacro , no pasa de moda por muchos años que pasen
me gustan esta clase de exposiciones , la verdad es que esta parroquia no la he visto nunca , ahora que como valencia es grande cuando vaya de turismo por allí , iré a visitarla .
Te deseo una feliz , besos de flor.
Impresionante!! cuantas maravillas existen.
ResponderEliminarUn beso
Hola Teresa, de tu mano he visto esta maravillosa joya. No la conocí y me deja impactada. Agradecida por tan meritorio reportaje que has compartido.
ResponderEliminarLo que veo en tu blog me vagustando mucho. Te sigo desde hace un tiempo...
Un abrazo.
ResponderEliminarNow is your greatest opportunity, i believe you won't want to miss it. So we are delighted that your life's journey had led you to discover our prestigious organization, perhaps you earnestly want to change some aspect of your life for better.
This is an open invitation to everyone who is ready and willing to become part of the world's biggest conglomerate and reach the peak of your career. While many of our operations require anonymity for the safety of our members, we strive to create a better understanding between us and the people we have been entrusted to protect.
Illuminati is a secret society that strives to promote spiritual and moral values. Illuminati brings together people of good will, regardless of their differences and origins, and ensure that these men and women become better in the society. Do you wish to be a member of the Illuminati brotherhood and receive a weekly salary of $50,000usd, it is good to see the light and brilliance for the whole world to see, everything in the world is managed by the system "the new world order", what are your dreams and your goals, is be a famous artist, dancer, writer, politician, pastor, footballer, business man/woman etc. you name it, everything is managed by the system of the new world order, you never reach the top unless you are a member of the movement, system "the new world order" wake up today and make a decision that will change your life forever. The new world order will ensure that you are separated from the minions of society and introduce you to an enlightened and illuminated society without brain wash, without control and with power, we'll help you archive great superiorities and prowess in your discipline.
If you're interested in joining this great organisation, then contact our Lodge in Pennslyvania via
WhatsApp: +1 315 203 9948 or our official Email: illuminati666grandlodge@gmail.com
Or click on this WhatsApp link to message us: https://wa.me/13152039948
Please make up your mind before writing us, 100% Guarantee.
Muy bonito <3 Feliz fin de semana Teresa.
ResponderEliminarBonitas imágenes.
Hermosos Jesús, lindo angelitos gorditos y felices ...bello San José y demás...
ResponderEliminarMe dan ternura su ver...gracias
Te gustó, eh??;)
ResponderEliminarBesitos, linda.
Siiii, es preciosa. Un abrazo.
EliminarGracias y besos para todos.